Visit to Tenantry Down allotments
Posted:12 June 2013
As part of our Plants for Places course we recently visited the allotments at Tenantry Down to get some more inspiration for creative vegetable growing.
What a treat the sun was warm and the allotments were stunning – so many of the Tenantry Down allotments are highly imaginative, creative spaces. Of course very much about growing vegetables and flowers in lots of different ways, but also about personal expression, being creative, recycling, contemplation and friendship. There were even some hens much to our delight!
We especially loved the huge variety of structures and the emphasis on recycling – check the plastic bottle greenhouse in the making! Also note the seating made from hazel and from wood salvaged from pallets.
NOTE: If you would like to join us for the last session of our Plants for Places course on Wednesday June 19 – talking naturalistic gardening with grasses and perennials at the wonderful Marchants Hardy Plants nursery in Laughton (evening session starts 6.15pm and finishes at 9.15pm) please contact us ASAP!
Photos by Jan Mulreany (thank you Jan!)